Structured Project Engineering
CheckSum LLC, a supplier of board test systems was being asked by their customers to provide a better solution for high speed In System Programming (ISP) of devices. Because there was a significant time pressure to develop and bring the solution to market, ASP was asked to lead the effort.
Being Part of Your Team
A major semiconductor equipment manufacturer wanted to add GUI and embedded software to an engineering test system. The tools were required to enable the system to be used by their manufacturing operation. ASP was asked to partner with the company's limited in-house engineering department to deliver a solution.
L200 to Spectrum 9100 TPS Rehosting
The U.S. Military has TPS that were developed on older generation test systems. As these products stay in the field for longer periods of time, these TPS have to be migrated to a newer test platform. ASP developed a process to re-host 22 Teradyne L200/L300 TPS to Teradyne Spectrum 9100 with consistency and traceability.
TPS Translator
A nuclear plant needs to re-host 47 TPS from the Genrad 2235 tester to S9100. ASP developed a TPS translator that converts the customer’s BASIC TPS to the S9100 C language TPS with traceability to the original TPS.
Functional Test System and TPS Development
A leading North American passenger aircraft manufacturer wanted to move forward to a commercial off the shelf (COTS) test system that incorporated the latest avionics test technology without abandoning their existing customer's investment in tooling and proven maintenance procedures. As part of the team, ASP designed and implemented software for the new system, and migrated over 200 TPS.