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2018 Teradyne Technical Interchange Meeting Presentation

Concord, CA. May 6th, 2018, Alliance Support Partners (ASP) Makes Teradyne Technical Interchange Meeting (TIM) Presentation
Alliance Support Partners (ASP), partnered with NAVSEA, gave a presentation on Functional Test with FPGA and Microcontroller at TIM.

An increasing number of assemblies tested on the S9100 include complicated functions implemented using FPGA(s) and/or Microcontroller(s). Tests must make use of the firmware built into those devices to perform the proper board function tests. Most firmware was developed in the lab using device specific programming pods. TPS developer had to weight the pros and cons of using the programming pod vs. importing tests to the ATE. When no suitable firmware exists, an application specific firmware has to be implemented. We will discuss test techniques for FPGA and Microcontroller based assemblies using examples from recently deployed test applications.

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2017 Teradyne Technical Interchange Meeting Presentation

Concord, CA. May 3rd, 2017, Alliance Support Partners (ASP) Makes Teradyne Technical Interchange Meeting (TIM) Presentation
Alliance Support Partners (ASP) gave a presentation on Legacy Test Program Translator at TIM.

A customer needed to rehost over 100 test program written in a line interpreted language, which is similar to BASIC, to Teradyne S9100 Test System. A grammar based parser was developed using ANTLR to interpret the input test program, and an output engine organizes the output directly into Test Studio project. An user library was also developed to perform the actual hardware control and measurement.

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2016 Teradyne Technical Interchange Meeting Presentation

Concord, CA. May 7th, 2016, Alliance Support Partners (ASP) Makes Teradyne Technical Interchange Meeting (TIM) Presentation
Alliance Support Partners (ASP) gave a presentation on Testing High Voltage Logic with Di-Series Cards at TIM.

Full voltage Di-Series models are capable of +/- 30V range; however the highest protection voltage is determined by the programmed value for the card. The default state for Di-Series is the lowest range which is -2.2 to 3.3V; the default state for L to S conversion program set by TPS Convert Studio (TPSCS) is -3 to +6V. In the default state, the presence of voltage that is 2V beyond the range is enough to damage the sensors even though digital tests were not performed. The paper presents how the Di-Series high voltage feature can be used properly.

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2012 TUG Presentation

Concord, CA. May 7th, 2012, Alliance Support Partners (ASP) Makes Teradyne User Group (TUG) Presentation
Alliance Support Partners (ASP) gave a presentation on Multiple TPS Rehost From GenRad 2235 to S9100 at TUG. This paper covered many of the issues and solutions encountered during the GenRad to Spectrum 9100 conversion process.

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2009 TUG Presentation

Concord, CA. May 5th, 2009, Alliance Support Partners (ASP) Makes Teradyne User Group (TUG) Presentation

Alliance Support Partners (ASP) gave a presentation on Non Standard Function (NSF) Implementation at TUG. This paper covered many of the issues and solutions encountered during the L200 to Spectrum 9100 conversion process.

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Alliance Support Partners (ASP) Launches ISP Program-Development Service for Board-Test Users

Concord, CA. February 14, 2007. Alliance Support Partners (ASP) now offers cost-effective ISP program-development services to OEMs, CMs, and other third-party service providers who need to program ISP devices on in-circuit or functional testers.

ASP provides several levels of services to users of board-test equipment, ranging from integration of an existing device algorithm with an ICT or functional test program to development of a new device algorithm. Turnkey service can include optional off-shore manufacturing support. The ISP program-development services are available to users of most PC-based test systems and programming stations, including industry-leading test platforms from Agilent, CheckSum, GenRad, Teradyne, and others.

Generally, the best opportunity for on-board programming is during the board-test stage, using the test system as the programming station, said Harold Ng, Business Development Manager, ASP. However, creating and implementing programming algorithms can be challenging for many manufacturers. ASP is the ideal partner for outsourcing ISP program development because we have a unique combination of engineering expertise, proven hands-on experience, and a comprehensive library of device algorithms.

The ASP device algorithm library covers all of the most common Serial Flash/EEPROM devices such as those from Microchip, Atmel, and STMicro. The ASP device library also includes algorithms for complex microprocessors containing on-board Flash/EEPROM, including the TMS470, MPC5XX, and HC9S12.

ASP’s extensive library supports popular programming interfaces such as Nexus, JTAG, BDM, PIC, DPI, I2C, Microwire, SPI, RS232, and others. ASP is experienced at providing solutions to difficult configurations such as programming external Flash via an on-board microprocessor.

ASP was established in March 2004 by former managers of Teradyne’s board-test business. For more information, contact ASP at: 5036 Commercial Circle, Unit C, Concord, CA 94520-8571, 925.363.5382,,

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Alliance Support Partners (ASP) Moves to New Expanded Facility

Concord, CA. February 7, 2007. Alliance Support Partners, Inc. (ASP) announced today that it has moved its headquarters to a larger facility in the San Francisco Bay area to accommodate its growing business and its customers’ needs. The three-year-old product engineering and support services company is now located in the North Point Industrial Park at 5036 Commercial Circle, Unit C, Concord, California, 94520-8571.

ASP supplies hardware and software product engineering and support services to OEMs and end users of electronic manufacturing test equipment. The company specializes in project management, product design, software development, and hardware and mechanical engineering. The ASP engineering team has delivered manufacturing and test solutions to customers in the telecom, automotive, computer, and aerospace industries.

ASP capabilities include:
Instrumentation such as instrument drivers, soft-front panels, embedded design, and new instruments

Turnkey test solutions ranging from bench-top systems to integration support for large-scale systems

Complete software solutions for test/control automation, functional test, in-system programming, and data results analysis (from low-level instrumentation software to graphical user interfaces)

Product outsourcing to Asia utilizing the team’s extensive experience and established network of Asian production-support suppliers.

ASP was established in March 2004 by former managers of Teradyne’s board-test business. ASP can be contacted at: 925.363.5382,,



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